
Returns the basic information about the account.


Supported on NEAR (mainnet) only.


  • request_type- string - The type of request i.e view_access_key_list
  • finality- string - The assurance that the transaction cannot be altered, reversed, or canceled after they are completed. For finality=final, it means that it has been validated on at least 66% of the nodes in the network and for finality=optimistic, it uses the latest block recorded on the node that responded to the query passed
  • block_id- int/string - The block id, it could be either block number or block hash
  • account_id- string - The id of the account associcated with the transaction

Note: You can only use one parameter, either finality or block_id. The block_id param can take either the block number or the block hash as an argument.


  • amount - The amount of asset being transferred
  • locked- The amount of bytes that succeeded locking
  • code_hash- It states whether the account has a contract deployed to it or not. If the code_hash value is “1111111…", it means that no contract is deployed to that specific account
  • storage_usage- The amount of storage used by the contract
  • storage_paid_at- The amount of storage paid
  • block_height- The height of the block this transactions was associated with
  • block_hash- The hash of the block this transaction was associated with

API Endpoint

The format of a Near API endpoint is

Here is an example:



curl https://open-platform.nodereal.io/{{apiKey}}/near/ \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method": "query","params": {"request_type": "view_account", "finality": "final", "account_id": "prophet.poolv1.near"},"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
