
Returns the receipt of a transaction by sender transaction hash.

NOTE: The receipt is not available for pending transactions.
Please note that this API returns correct result only if indexing feature is enabled by --sendertxhashindexing.
This can be checked by call klay_isSenderTxHashIndexingEnabled.


Supported on Klaytn (mainnet) only.



Hash32-byte DATAHash of a transaction before signing of feePayer(senderTransactionHash).


Object - A transaction receipt object, or null when no receipt was found

blockHash32-byte DATAHash of the block where this transaction was in.
blockNumberQUANTITYThe block number where this transaction was in.
codeFormatString(optional) The code format of smart contract code.
contractAddressDATAThe contract address created, if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.
feePayer20-byte DATAAddress of the fee payer.
feePayerSignaturesArrayAn array of fee payer's signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s.
feeRatioQUANTITY(optional) Fee ratio of the fee payer. If it is 30, 30% of the fee will be paid by the fee payer. 70% will be paid by the sender.
from20-byte DATAAddress of the sender.
gasQUANTITYGas provided by the sender.
gasPriceQUANTITYGas price provided by the sender in peb.
gasUsedQUANTITYThe amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
humanReadableBoolean(optional) true if the address is humanReadable, false if the address is not humanReadable.
keyString(optional) Key of the newly created account.
inputDATA(optional) The data sent along with the transaction.
logsArrayArray of log objects, which this transaction generated.
logsBloom256-byte DATABloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs.
nonceQUANTITYThe number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
senderTxHash(optional) 32-byte DATAHash of the tx without the fee payer's address and signature. This value is always the same as the value of transactionHash for non fee-delegated transactions.
signatureArrayAn array of signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s.
statusQUANTITYEither 1 (success) or 0 (failure).
txErrorQUANTITY(optional) detailed error code if status is equal to zero.
to20-byte DATAAddress of the receiver. null when it is a contract creation transaction.
transactionHash32-byte DATAHash of the transaction.
transactionIndexQUANTITYInteger of the transaction index position in the block.
typeStringA string representing the type of the transaction.
typeIntQUANTITYAn integer representing the type of the transaction.
valueQUANTITYValue transferred in peb.

API Endpoint

The format of a Klaytn API endpoint is

Here is an example:


// Request
curl https://open-platform.nodereal.io/{{apiKey}}/klaytn/ \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"klay_getTransactionReceiptBySenderTxHash","params":["0x18fe9e1007da7d20aad77778557fb8acc58c80054daba65124c8c843aadd3478"],"id":1}' 

// Result