Get all NFTs by account

This endpoint returns all NFTs owned by an account address. And the NFTs are grouped according to contract address.

API Endpoint{apiKey}/nftscan




ParametersDescriptionsQuery TypeRequiredData Typeschema
account_addressThe address of the owner of the assets, defaultValue{0xca1257ade6f4fa6c6834fdc42e030be6c0f5a813}pathtruestring
hain_nameName of the chain you’re querying. List of supported values: "eth" for Ethereum; "bnb" for BNB Smart Chain; "polygon" for Polygon; "moonbeam" for Moonbeam; "arbitrum" for Arbitrum One; "optimism" for Optimism; "platon" for PlatON; "avalanche" for Avalanche; "cronos" for Cronos; "fantom" for Fantom; "gnosis" for Gnosis;pathtrue
show_attributeWhether to obtain attributes for the assets option{{{false,true}}}queryfalseboolean


ParametersDescriptionsData Typeschema
codeResponse status code (200 means the request was successful, 4XX or 5XX means the request failed)integer(int32)integer(int32)
dataResponse dataarrayCollectionAssetModel
  assetsList of Asset ModelarrayAssetModel
    amountThe amount of the NFTstring
    attributesList of attributesarrayAssetAttributeValueModel
      attribute_nameThe attribute namestring
      attribute_valueThe value for the attribute namestring
      percentageHow many items have this attribute valuestring
    content_typeThe content typestring
    content_uriThe content URI to displaystring
    contract_addressThe contract addressstring
    contract_nameThe name of the contractstring
    contract_token_idThe token ID of the NFT in Hexstring
    descriptionThe description to displaystring
    erc_typeThe erc type of the NFTstring
    external_linkExternal link to the original websitestring
    image_uriThe image URI to displaystring
    latest_trade_priceThe latest trade price for the itemnumber
    latest_trade_symbolThe latest trade symbol for the itemstring
    latest_trade_timestampThe latest trade timestamp in milliseconds for the iteminteger
    latest_trade_tokenThe latest trade token for the itemstring
    metadata_jsonThe metadata in JSON formatstring
    mint_priceThe price when the item was minted (null if the item is an ERC-1155 NFT)number
    mint_timestampThe timestamp in milliseconds when the item was mintedinteger
    mint_transaction_hashThe transaction hash when the item was mintedstring
    minterThe user address who minted the itemstring
    nameThe namestring
    nftscan_idThe unique ID generated for the item by NFTScanstring
    nftscan_uriThe image URI stored by NFTScan (null if not stored by NFTScan)string
    own_timestampThe timestamp in milliseconds when the item was owned (null if the item is an ERC-1155 NFT)integer
    ownerThe user address who owns the item now (null if the item is an ERC-1155 NFT)string
    rarity_rankThe rarity rank for the iteminteger
    rarity_scoreThe rarity score for the itemnumber
    small_nftscan_uriThe small image URI stored by NFTScan (null if not stored by NFTScan)string
    token_idThe token ID of the NFT in Numberstring
    token_uriThe token URIstring
  contract_addressThe contract addressstring
  contract_nameThe name of the contractstring
  descriptionThe descriptionstring
  floor_priceThe floor price of the collectionnumber(double)
  items_totalHow many items for the collectioninteger(int64)
  logo_urlThe logo URLstring
  owns_totalHow many items the account address ownsinteger(int32)
  symbolThe symbolstring
msgError message when request failsstring


	"code": 200,
	"data": [
			"assets": [
					"amount": "1",
					"attributes": [
							"attribute_name": "Background",
							"attribute_value": "Yellow",
							"percentage": "16.49%"
					"content_type": "image/png",
					"content_uri": "QmPbxeGcXhYQQNgsC6a36dDyYUcHgMLnGKnF8pVFmGsvqi",
					"contract_address": "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d",
					"contract_name": "BoredApeYachtClub",
					"contract_token_id": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
					"description": "",
					"erc_type": "erc721",
					"external_link": "",
					"image_uri": "QmPbxeGcXhYQQNgsC6a36dDyYUcHgMLnGKnF8pVFmGsvqi",
					"latest_trade_price": 38.77,
					"latest_trade_symbol": "WETH",
					"latest_trade_timestamp": 1652567645000,
					"latest_trade_token": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
					"metadata_json": "{\"image\":\"ipfs://QmPbxeGcXhYQQNgsC6a36dDyYUcHgMLnGKnF8pVFmGsvqi\",\"attributes\":[{\"trait_type\":\"Mouth\",\"value\":\"Grin\"},{\"trait_type\":\"Clothes\",\"value\":\"Vietnam Jacket\"},{\"trait_type\":\"Background\",\"value\":\"Orange\"},{\"trait_type\":\"Eyes\",\"value\":\"Blue Beams\"},{\"trait_type\":\"Fur\",\"value\":\"Robot\"}]}",
					"mint_price": 0.7,
					"mint_timestamp": 1619133220000,
					"mint_transaction_hash": "0xcfb197f62ec5c7f0e71a11ec0c4a0e394a3aa41db5386e85526f86c84b3f2796",
					"minter": "0xaba7161a7fb69c88e16ed9f455ce62b791ee4d03",
					"name": "#1",
					"nftscan_id": "NSB313FC3396961075",
					"nftscan_uri": "",
					"own_timestamp": 1619817106000,
					"owner": "0xaba7161a7fb69c88e16ed9f455ce62b791ee4d03",
					"rarity_rank": 2668,
					"rarity_score": 1.06,
					"small_nftscan_uri": "",
					"token_id": "1",
					"token_uri": ""
			"contract_address": "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d",
			"contract_name": "BoredApeYachtClub",
			"description": "The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap activation. Visit for more details.",
			"floor_price": 1.113,
			"items_total": 10000,
			"logo_url": "",
			"owns_total": 2,
			"symbol": "BAYC"
	"msg": ""