Queries transaction status by hash, which returns the results of final transaction and details about all receipts.


Supported on NEAR (mainnet) only.


  • transaction hash - string - The hash of the transaction
  • sender account id - string - The account id of the sender


  • receipts- The receipts of the transaction
    • predecessor_id- The id of the account that was the previous contract in the chain
    • receipt- The receipt of the transaction
      • Action- The action to be performed on the receiver_id
        • actions- An action built from near-api-js.transactions
          • FunctionCall - An action to be performed on the receiver_id
            • args- The transaction specific argument
            • deposit - The amount deposited
            • gas - Integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
            • method_name - The name of the method corresponding to the actions
      • gas_price- Integer of the gasPrice used for each paid gas encoded as a hexadecimal
      • input_data_ids- A vector of input data with the data_ids required for the execution of this receipt
      • output_data_receivers- A vector of output data receivers. It indicates where to send outgoing data. Each DataReceiver consists of data_id and receiver_id for routing
      • signer_id- The account id of the transaction originator
      • signer_public_key- The public key of the signer
    • receipt_id- The receipt id of the transaction originator
    • receiver_id- The identifier for the account
  • receipts_outcome- The receipts outcome for the transaction
    • block_hash- The hash of the block this transaction was associated with
    • id- The id associated with the transaction
    • outcome- The outcome associated with transaction
      • executor_id- The id of the originator
      • gas_burnt- The gas burnt while executing the transaction
      • logs- Logs for the application being executed by this transaction
      • metadata- Logs for the application being executed by this transaction
        • gas_profile- The information about the gas such as gas used, cost and cost_category
          • cost- The cost of the gas used
          • cost_category- The category of the cost
          • gas_used- The amount of gas used
        • version- The version number
      • receipt_ids- The id of the recipients
      • status- The status of the transaction
        • SuccessReceiptId- The transaction id of the successful recipient
      • tokens_burnt- The amount of tokens burnt
    • proof- The proof of the transaction
      • direction- The direction
      • hash- The hash of the transaction
  • status- The status of the transaction
    • SuccessValue- The value successfully sent
  • transaction- The transaction object
    • actions- An action built from near-api-js.transactions
      • FunctionCall- An action to be performed on the receiver_id
        • args- The transaction specific argument
        • deposit- The amount deposited
        • gas- Integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
        • method_name- The name of the method corresponding to the actions
    • hash- The transaction hash
    • nonce- The number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one encoded as hexadecimal
    • public_key- The public key of the signer
    • receiver_id- The account id of the transaction receiver
    • signature- Standard ed25519 signature type
    • signer_id- The account id of the transaction originator
  • transaction_outcome- The transaction outcome for the transaction
    • block_hash- The hash of the block this transaction was associated with
    • id- The transaction id
    • outcome- The outcome associated with transaction
      • executor_id- The id of the originator
      • gas_burnt- The gas burnt while executing the transaction
      • logs- Logs for the application being executed by this transaction
      • receipt_ids- The id of the recipients
      • status- The status of the transaction
        • SuccessReceiptId- The transaction id of the successful recipient
      • tokens_burnt- The amount of tokens burnt
    • proof- The proof of the transaction
      • direction- The direction
      • hash- The hash of the transaction

API Endpoint

The format of a Near API endpoint is

Here is an example:



curl https://open-platform.nodereal.io/{{apiKey}}/near/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "EXPERIMENTAL_tx_status", "params": ["Ce4DPVFyDRdx54iLoSiKA6gqwGnE5V4mTZyVvFDQsvmN","relay.aurora"],"id":1}'
