
Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.


Supported on Klaytn (mainnet) only.



32-byte DATAHash of a transaction.


Object - A transaction object, or null when no transaction was found:

blockHash32-byte DATAHash of the block where this transaction was in. null when it is pending.
blockNumberQUANTITYBlock number where this transaction was in. null when it is pending.
codeFormatString(optional) The code format of smart contract code.
feePayer20-byte DATA(optional) Address of the fee payer.
feePayerSignaturesArray(optional) An array of fee payer's signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s.
feeRatioQUANTITY(optional) Fee ratio of the fee payer. If it is 30, 30% of the fee will be paid by the fee payer. 70% will be paid by the sender.
from20-byte DATAAddress of the sender.
gasQUANTITYGas provided by the sender.
gasPriceQUANTITYGas price provided by the sender in peb.
hash32-byte DATAHash of the transaction.
humanReadableBoolean(optional) true if the address is humanReadable, false if the address is not humanReadable.
keyString(optional) Key of the newly created account.
inputDATA(optional) The data sent along with the transaction.
nonceQUANTITYThe number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
senderTxHash32-byte DATAHash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. This value is always the same as hash for non fee-delegated transactions.
signaturesArrayAn array of signature objects. A signature object contains three fields (V, R, and S). V contains ECDSA recovery id. R contains ECDSA signature r while S contains ECDSA signature s.
to20-byte DATAAddress of the receiver. null when it is a contract creation transaction.
transactionIndexQUANTITYInteger of the transaction index position in the block. null when it is pending.
typeStringA string representing the type of the transaction.
typeIntQUANTITYAn integer representing the type of the transaction.
valueQUANTITYValue transferred in peb.

API Endpoint

The format of a Klaytn API endpoint is

Here is an example:


// Request
curl https://open-platform.nodereal.io/{{apiKey}}/klaytn/ \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"klay_getTransactionByHash","params":["0xaca5d9a1ed8b86b1ef61431b2bedfc99a66eaefc3a7e1cffdf9ff53653956a67"],"id":1}' 

// Result