
Returns information about a block by block number.


Supported on Klaytn (mainnet) only.



QUANTITY | TAGInteger or hexadecimal block number, or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending"
BooleanIf true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.

NOTE: In versions earlier than Klaytn v1.7.0, only integer block number, the string "earliest" and "latest" are available.


Object - A header object, or error when no header was found:

numberQUANTITYThe block number. null when it is pending block.
parentHash32-byte DATAThe hash of the parent block.
logsBloom256-byte DATAThe bloom filter for the logs of the block. null when it is pending block.
transactionsRoot32-byte DATAThe root of the transaction trie of the block.
stateRoot32-byte DATAThe root of the final state trie of the block.
receiptsRoot32-byte DATAThe root of the receipts trie of the block.
reward20-byte DATAThe address of the beneficiary to whom the block rewards were given.
blockScoreQUANTITYFormer difficulty. Always 1 in the BFT consensus engine
extraDataDATAThe "extra data" field of this block.
gasUsedQUANTITYThe total used gas by all transactions in this block.
timestampQUANTITYThe Unix timestamp for when the block was collated.
timestampFoSQUANTITYThe fraction of a second of the timestamp for when the block was collated.
governanceDataDATARLP encoded governance configuration
voteDataDATARLP encoded governance vote of the proposer
baseFeePerGasQUANTITYThe base fee per gas. It has a meaningful value when EthTxTypeCompatible and Magma hardforks are activated.

API Endpoint

The format of a Klaytn API endpoint is

Here is an example:


// Request
curl https://open-platform.nodereal.io/{{apiKey}}/klaytn/ \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"klay_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x1b4", true],"id":1}'

// Result