
This API method helps you to get transfers count for any fromAddress, toAddress, contractAddress, etc.


Supported on BSC and ETH mainnet only.


  • category - example: List [ "external", "20" ]; ------ external, internal; 20, 721, 1155;
  • fromBlock - hexadecimal string or latest, the difference between fromBlock and toBlock must be less than or equal to 1000, when both of them be specified. If request has fromBlock but miss toBlock, toBlock will be auto filled by fromBlock+1000
  • toBlock - hexadecimal string or latest, the difference between fromBlock and toBlock must be less than or equal to 1000, when both of them be specified. If request has toBlock but miss fromBlock, fromBlock will be auto filled by toBlock-1000
  • address - address, must not be null
  • addressType - option: from, to, contract, null if all of addressType


  • result - transfers for any address

API Endpoint

The format of a MegaNode API endpoint is https://{chain}-{network}{API-key}
Here is an example:

For other chains or networks, you could refer to this guidance Find API key & endpoint.



curl \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"nr_getTransactionByAddressCount","params":[{"category": ["external","20"],"addressType": "from","fromBlock": "0x4","toBlock": "0x615856d7","pageKey": "qg000000-0075-RyKy-efk2-Fx9n32gAu432"}],"id":1}'


  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x123"