This API helps you to get the historical token holder list by giving the contract address, block number, and resource ID. Supports both fungible tokens(ERC-20, BEP-20) and NFT(ERC-721, BEP-721, ERC-1155, BEP-1155).
Supported on BSC mainnet only.
Available token type:
- Fungible token (ERC-20, BEP-20)
- NFT (ERC-721, BEP-721, ERC-1155, BEP-1155)
This API is an async task that requires the result from nr_historytokenholdersend API. Before calling this API, please submit a request to nr_historytokenholdersend to get the resource ID.
- The contract address of the token, should be the same as you submitted in nr_historytokenholdersend APIblockNumber
- The block number in hex format, should be the same as you submitted in nr_historytokenholdersend APIresourceId
- The resource ID you received from the response of nr_historytokenholdersend API.
- 0: Error; 1: Success; 2: Generating; 3: Incorrect resource IDlinks
- the link of the token holder list, in JSON file format
API Endpoint
The endpoint of this API is{API-KEY}/tokenholder/
Here is an example:
You could refer to this guidance Find API key & endpoint for the API key.
curl{API-KEY}/tokenholder/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"nr_getHistoryTokenHolder","params":["0xeDa21B525Ac789EaB1a08ef2404dd8505FfB973D","0x1550e20", "59d30c83562b9f9d1989ceb8ceaf4f6f7e749e8ffd1440d577fc0823169b0866"],"id": 1 }'
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"status": 1,
"links": [
The result obtained are encoded in Base64 format, you will need to decode it to get above link result. Please note that the file from the result will only be available for 24 hours. You would need to submit a new task if the file is expired.
You will see the historical token holder list data in the file, including:
- blockNumber
- tokenAddress
- holders (array)
- account
- balance
- tokenType (if NFT)
- tokenId (if NFT)