
Let you run an eth_call within the context of the given block execution using the final state of parent block as the base.


Supported on Polygon zkEVM (mainnet) only.


  • object[OPTIONAL] - The transaction call object
    • from- The address the transaction is sent from
    • to- The address the transaction is directed to
    • gas- The gas provided for the transaction execution
    • gasPrice- The gas price
    • data- The data sent along with the transaction
    • value- The value transferred in Wei, encoded as a hexadecimal
  • blockNumber[REQUIRED] - The block number, hex format
  • tracer[REQUIRED] - The tracer type


This returns based on callTracer. Please refer to Geth implementation for more return data fields.

  • Object- Full trace of the block.
    • result- Trace Object, which has the following fields:
      • from- The address the transaction is sent from
      • to- The address the transaction is directed to
      • gas- The gas provided for the transaction execution
      • gasUsed- The gasPrice used for each paid gas
      • input- The data sent along with the transaction
      • output- The output data
      • type- Type of the transaction
      • value- The value transferred in Wei, encoded as a hexadecimal

API Endpoint

The format of a polygon-zkevm-rpc endpoint is{{apiKey}}/polygon-zkevm-rpc/

Here is an example:



curl{{apiKey}}/polygon-zkevm-rpc/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"debug_traceCall","params": [{"from": "0x4982085c9e2f89f2ecb8131eca71afad896e89cb","to": "0xce56d6ff4f9c8dbcacc5f848ca8c60ba5469ae70","gas": "0x7148","value": "0x11c37937e08000"},"latest",{"tracer": "callTracer"}],"id": 0 }'
